
You can buy our publications at the Museum or order them via e-mail:

  • Frane Petrić for Beginners

    Author: Inge Solis
    Specifications: 56 pp; 28 cm, colour, paperback
    Language: Croatian / English
    Price: 8 €


    A short introduction to life and work of the Renaissance philosopher Frane Petrić, who was born in Cres.

  • Plavica – Fish Factory – Cres

    Author: Iva Kosmos, Inge Solis
    Specifications: 96 pp; 28 cm, colour, paperback
    Language: Croatian / English
    Price: 10 €

  • Ancient art: Sculptures and everyday objects from the collection of dr. Damir Kovač

    Author: Damir Kovač, Ante Rendić-Miočević
    Specifications: 72 pp; 28 cm, colour, paperback
    Language: Croatian / English
    Price: 5 €


    The collection of antique figurines and everyday objects includes around 150 items. It mainly comprises zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figurines – small statues, but also a series of useful or decorative objects such as oil lamps, mirrors, jewelry and decorations for vessels, furniture and military equipment.
    Most of these objects originate from Rome, and a smaller number come from Greece, Egypt and other ancient civilizations. The objects are mostly made of bronze and other metals (lead, silver), with a few examples made of ceramics and stone. The objects were created in periods varying from the Iron Age to the Middle Ages, and the origins of many are still unknown.

  • Relics and Reliquaries of the Islands of Cres and Lošinj

    Author: Inge Solis
    Specifications: 112 pp; 28 cm; colour; paperback
    Language: Croatian / English
    Price: 5 €


    Catalogue of the exhibition.

  • Cres Memory Project

    Author: Jelena Dunato
    Specifications: 80 pp; 28 cm; colour; paperback
    Language: Croatian / English
    Price: 5 €


    Photographs taken in Cres in 1951. by Antoinette Spadoni.

  • Wooden Saints

    Author: Franka Toljanić
    Specifications: 72 pp; 28 cm; colour; paperback
    Language: Croatian / English
    Price: 5 €


    Catalogue of the exhibition presenting wooden sculpture of the Cres Deanery, dating from the 15th to the 18th century.

  • Scent of Victory

    Author: Inge Solis
    Specifications: 87 pp; 28 cm; colour; paperback
    Language: Croatian / English
    Price: 5 €


    Catalogue of the exhibition presenting the story of the essential oils distillery in Martinšćica, which was founded by the Linardić family at the beginning of the 20th century.

  • The Historical Centre of Cres and its Townhouses

    Author: Inge Solis
    Specifications: 80 pp; 28 cm; colour; paperback
    Language: Croatian / English
    Price: 8 € / 60,28 kn


    Catalogue of the exhibition presenting vernacular architecture of Cres and its main features: streets, courtyards, roofs, chimneys, wells, residential bridges, shops and taverns.

  • Silks from the Sacristies

    Author: Silvija Banić
    Specifications: 87 pp; 28 cm; colour; paperback
    Language: Croatian / English
    Price: 5 €


    Catalogue of the exhibition presenting historical textiles from the Cres Deanery, dating from the 16th to the 19th century.

  • Life before Tourism

    Author: Jelena Dunato
    Specifications: 63 pp; 28 cm; colour; paperback
    Language: Croatian / English
    Price: 5 €


    Catalogue of the exhibition. It presents postcards of the settlements on the island of Cres from the late 19th century to the 1940s: Beli, Valun, Lubenice, Martinšćica, Vrana, Stivan, Orlec, Ivanje, Porozina, Osor. The postcards depict a time before mass tourism, when the places and the lives of the people were still untouched by the change.

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